Inspiration Post

Along the way I want to record some of the things that inspire me on my journey. As much as this is a task for me and me alone, I certainly cannot do it all on my own, and I’d like to be able to look back and see all of the people who directly and indirectly contribute to my ability to achieve the goals that I have set for myself in 2012.

Before I began making changes in my life, I stumbled upon some recipes on Pinterest from a blog called Can You Stay For Dinner? This blog is similar to the project that I have undertaken, as it follows Andie Mitchell’s journey to lose weight, get healthy, and maintain her lifestyle after reaching her goals. One of the biggest things that stuck out to me about Andie, is that her focus on being able to eat the foods that she loves, while still staying healthy and well-balanced. I pinned several of her recipes, and today I got to try a couple. I’m really glad I did, because Alex discovered two new vegetables that he will eat: Cauliflower and Pole Beans!

Andie’s recipes that I tried are the Honey Barbecue Meatloaf, and the Parmesan Cauliflower Mash. They were absolutely delicious, and I was even more excited that I have found some healthy side dish options for Alex to enjoy, too!

That leads me to my second point of inspiration: taking Alex along for the ride! I love that he is starting to think about food in different ways, and open his mind to things he never would have considered before. His determination to try new things no matter how difficult it is for him inspires me to keep doing what I am doing every single day.

Hope today finds you traveling along your own paths just as you hope to be. Cheers to inspiration, and cheers to progress!