Updates and progress

I know I have been out of pocket for some time here, and I truly, truly apologize! I hope I still have some readers out there to notice my return!

The past several months have been…hectic. That really doesn’t begin to describe it, but it’s the quickest, easiest word to express how busy I have been, how little free time I have had, and to sum up the reason for my prolonged absence.

Between family visiting Georgia, weddings, work, holidays, work, pet illnesses, work, and a slew of necessary home improvements relative to pet illnesses, I quite literally feel as if I have not breathed in about 2 months. As is the story of my life, the things I love the most are typically the first things deemed un-essential during these times of extended business, and sadly blogging fell into that list. Regardless of when I publish a blog, I typically sit down to write them in the evening before bed, and lately bedtime has either come much later than I would like due to the aforementioned business, or much earlier than I would like due to crashing after a long, tiring, stressful several days.

Either scenario just didn’t leave me my blog time.

As things calm down, and I start living a relatively normal life again, I tried to make getting back on here a priority.

As this blog at the end of the day is all about the journey, I want you all to know that I have continued to be relatively successful in all of my goals here.

I have maintained my weightloss and even added a couple more pounds to it, I’m now on the south side of 30 pounds lost, having lost a total of 32lbs.

Although the time constraints have all but eliminated my workout time most days, I have managed to keep as active as possible, and at the very least control my caloric intake well enough to maintain and not gain.

Over the next few weeks I’ll try to catch up on any of the specific events or recipes that I haven’t been sharing, but I warn you- creativity in the kitchen was another hobby put slightly on the backburner over the last couple of months- in other words- you haven’t missed much!

Thanks again for the continued love and support, it was each of you in the back of my minds that kept me focused while I was away!


3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. mamacormier
    Jul 06, 2012 @ 07:46:51

    Welcome back. I totally get how life gets in the way of doing the things we love. Now that school is finished for the summer I thought I’d have all the time in the world but I’ve been back to school to work on cleaning my classroom, my aunt’s health is taking a turn for the worse and I’ve only been to the cottage for one day. When I finally do get up to the cottage for any extended periods of time my blogging will come to a halt because I don’t have electricity up there. I’ll be writing the old fashion way, in a journal. Looking forward to more posts from you.


  2. 365 days of marriage
    Jul 08, 2012 @ 18:40:01

    So happy to hear an update!!!


  3. 365 days of marriage
    Jul 08, 2012 @ 18:41:13

    p.s. missed you! :)!! AND congrats on 32 pounds!!!! AMAZING! Your journey is so inspiring! I’m so glad I’ve been along for part of the ride!!!!!!


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